I decided while writing this article, I would sip on POM, pomegranate juice for inspiration. It’s working. This is definitely a sipping type juice. Just a small mouthful will provide an explosion of flavor; what I think is the perfect balance of tart and sweet. It’s too strong a taste to be considered refreshing, but if you are looking for antioxidants on ice to quench your thirst on a hot summer day, and then add POM to carbonated water, or for a sweeter taste, add to ginger ale. Now you’re talking refreshing. My daughter likes to cut it with water, half and half on ice.
The POM Company provides three powerful juices: Their original Pomegranate 100% Juice, Pomegranate Cherry 100% Juice, and Pomegranate Blueberry 100% Juice. All three of these ingredients are loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals that will protect from cancer and keep you looking young and healthy.
You may be surprised to discover that POM does not juice just those tasty seeds, (arils) but the whole fruit, including the rind. Why is that? As with many fruits, most of the real antioxidant magic is found in the skin. This is also true with Pomegranates. If you are interested in more nutrition details read:
Pomegranate Juice
Watch for sales, but if you really want to cut the cost of this quality product, you can buy a huge jug of the stuff at Costco.