The truth of the matter is that the modern diet never allows the body to cleanse itself. We eat all the time. And the math is simple. When intake of calories is greater than calories burned, the result will be stored body fat. It’s the same with toxins. When intake of toxins is greater than removed, the result will be toxic overload. If you are carrying around ten pounds of body fat, this is a pretty good sign you are also carrying around a storehouse of toxins, affecting the normal functions of every cell in your body. What happens if the toxic load is greater than the internal caretaker can remove? A weakened immune system, resulting in sickness and premature death.
Adding fresh juice to your diet is the best choice for detoxification because it supplies an abundance of cleansing nutrients which are able to attach to harmful toxins and remove them from the body. We now know that all fresh fruit and vegetable juices have this ability to detoxify. In fact, research is uncovering powerful antioxidants in fruits and veggies on a daily basis. The following juice recipes contain the detox superstars of the plant kingdom. A juice fast is the most effective and fastest way to detoxify, but the next best thing is to replace a meal with fresh juice. Try having nothing but fresh juice until lunch. This extends the night fast until lunch time, giving the digestive system a much needed rest and assisting the body’s internal cleansing processes. Oh, and an added benefit will be weight loss!