It’s one thing to claim that juicing can slow down aging but reverse aging? Is that possible? Studies are showing that it is. Because of the dramatic increase in environmental toxins and today’s prevailing diet that never allows detoxification, most people have learned to live with a body that is in a perpetual a state of toxic stress. When I observe my peers, they are predominantly overweight, wearing pasty, blotchy skin, and complaining about being drained and tired. Their health is written all over their face. I have also witnessed firsthand, and through thousands of emails, people who have undertaken a ten, twenty, even forty-day juice fast, and the result has been nothing sort of a miracle. Two things happened throughout the fast: first, they dramatically reduced the intake of toxins, and second, they flooded every cell with cleansing, detoxifying nutrients, resulting in undoing years of damage from an unhealthy lifestyle. They look five or more years younger. A wonderful healthy glow returns and, with it, a clearer mind and increased energy. And here’s the best part: the worse your lifestyle has been, the more spectacular the change.
I’ve been juicing and juice fasting for over 20 years and people constantly comment on how young I look for a 50-year-old man. In this case, looks are not deceiving; I feel younger than before I started juicing at the age of 29. I welcome the idea of living longer but I love even more the idea of being healthy, clear-minded and energetic into my 80s, 90s, and beyond. Invest in your health and the second half of your life can be the very best years.
And for those who want youthful skin, what you put into your body is more important than what you put on your skin. Women spend thousands of dollars a year on creams and lotions, but a few hundred dollars a year spent on juicing would result in far better skin. All freshly-made fruit and veggie juice will result in a younger, healthier you, but add these juice recipes to your daily diet and within 30 days, you will feel the difference.